• Books

    They Tried to Defeat Her

    She moved to a small town in the outskirts of Portland. She really loved where she had lived in the south but her family was back this way and she wanted to see all the kids and grandkids grow up. She had a great life where she had been and hoped for the same here. Excited to build a home with her husband back in the NW, they found a home on 5 acres out in the woods. It was a rough home. It needed a lot of work and remodeling but it was livable and they would make do. Only a year after living there it turned into hell.…

  • Books

    Making Her Happy

    He could do nothing to please her. Whatever he said, whatever he did, it just wasn’t good enough. She always wanted more. Always wanting better.  He ran everything through his mind over and over about what he could be doing wrong. What did he need to do to make it right? How could he get her to be happy and satisfied with him? What did he need to do? He beat himself up over what a mess-up he was. He couldn’t seem to do anything right. What was his problem?  As he watched her come into the room, she was complaining of her friend. The stupid guy her friend was…

  • Books

    Respect Our Veterans ~ My Opinion

    Less than ten percent of Americans have ever served in a military position. It’s actually around 7.3%. Currently, 0.4% of Americans are actively serving in some capacity. If you have a room of one hundred people, only 4 are serving. Do you think that’s a lot? Compare that to the 34% that go to college. Four percent is nothing! Military personnel are special, heroic, brave, and truly something to be recognized! This small percentage of Americans have agreed to sacrifice their life to protect you and this country. To fight for your rights of freedom. To fight for your right of free speech. To fight for your right to work,…

  • Books

    Who Said Being A Mom Was Easy ~ My Opinion

    She has a sick kid lying in a playpen in the kitchen as she prepares breakfast and lunches for the other kids to get them off to school. Making sure the school aged children are all dressed, teeth brushed and on the bus, she then tends to the crying baby and gets on with her routine. It’s just another day for a mother. Taking care of sick kids, making sure the others are on their way, keeping the house clean, getting meals cooked and preparing for the PTA bake sale. Or…… She’s single with three kids, working full time, taking care of a house, dogs, being a chauffeur, being mom…

  • Books

    Lighten Your Load ~ My Opinion

    Was last year a difficult one? Were you out of sorts? Were you feeling suffocated or trapped? Do you just want to feel more freedom this year? Were you burned out and lacking energy? Take a look at your surroundings. Could that be your problem? If you want this year to be better than last, you might just need to lighten your load. A good way to do this is to start cleaning up your space! What? That sounds so stupid! So, you think I will have a better year if I clean up my space? Absolutely! When our space isn’t well, we can not be well. Having clutter, piles,…

  • Books

    Christian Judgement ~ My Opinion

    I’m a Christian. That’s how I look at it. I’m not Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist or anything else but Christian. I have been to many churches. I have been to all of those I just stated. I have searched many times for a church fitting my needs. While doing this, I have learned watching many churches and how their people respond to others and their judgement toward people outside of their realm. I’m proud to be a Christian. I am not embarrassed by it. I don’t preach the Word but I share. I don’t mission but I try to inspire. I am not ashamed to stand for what I believe.…

  • Books

    New Year, New Delete ~ My Opinion

    Every year you see the phrase, ‘New year, new me’! With social media it is now common to see, ‘New year, time to clean up friends list’! Then BOOM…. delete, delete, delete. Back in the day we had real friends. We hung out with them. We had fights, made up, and life went on. Or we had fights, the friendship ended and our hearts broke because we had a human physical connection that was now gone. Today, we hit UNFRIEND, move on to the next post and no tears shed. We are human heartless robots. I have been unfriended over the years by a few people that I thought were…

  • Books

    No Resolutions ~ My Opinion

    The New Year is right around the corner! People will be celebrating, welcoming in the new year and making the annual resolutions. New year, new you! Building up the anticipation of conquering the resolutions and not crashing after week three. It’s all very exciting!  It’s all very exiting until you miss the gym two days in a row and you call it quits. Why did you think this year would be any different? What made you think that you would stick to the resolutions now when you failed the last ten years? Stupid resolutions anyway!  You are not a quitter. You are not a failure. You are a warrior! But…

  • Books

    Merry Spiritual Christmas ~ My Opinion

    Santa Claus is coming to town! The excitement is in the air. Kids will be staying up looking for reindeer! It is such a fun, magical, and happy time of the year. But, it should also be spiritual. We do have Santa, Rudolf, and Frosty, but do you have Jesus? Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Christ. Who was born with animals in a manger. Born to the Virgin Mary and Joseph. In Bethlehem. The star, the three wise men, and an Angel. Remember this story? Christmas is when our Savior came to save us from ourselves. All of the sins we commit and life’s temptations we fall…

  • Books

    Lacking Christmas Spirit? – My Opinion

    Is your Christmas spirit lacking or non existent this year? Are past memories holding you down? Is the loss of loved ones keeping you from enjoying the season? Are you feeling alone during a family holiday? Are you just not feeling the Christmas magic?  The holidays can be a very difficult time for many. Commercials and movies make it a time of love and laughter and put an added stress of what you are not feeling. It can be very overwhelming when it’s everywhere for about two months.  I hope you use this time to reflect on what it is that brings you down at this time of year and…