My Books

Finding You and Your Direction: 11 ways to find the real you

This is the first book of many to come.

Do you feel lost in this world?  Are you not sure why you are not getting to where you want to be?  This book will give you insight on finding your direction.  Rid yourself of the toxic in your life and be happy.  Find out who YOU are and not what others want you to be.  No blame, no shame and no excuses.  Keep moving forward everyday and travel in the direction that is meant for you.  This book will give you eleven chapters of what can be keeping you from the best you with a follow up of each that you can you recap on.  Life is short and full of many great adventures.  Live it to the fullest and enjoy what surrounds you.  Even the negative puts a positive in your life.


  • Laina Freeman

    you have inspired me I am 32 years old and I would love to read your book cause I am writing my own book and would love to have input

    • Toni Dowrey

      Thank you. My book should be out soon. I will have a release date announcement when it’s available. I would also like to read yours. I’m glad you will be writing.

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