• Books

    Unity is a Choice…….

    We were born with no choices. We weren’t able to choose to be American, African, Asian, or any other nationality. We didn’t have the choice of hair, eye, or skin color. We couldn’t decide what sex we would be. We were just born how we were with what was given to us. As we grow, we get choices. We decide what we like and don’t like. We choose how we live our lives. We choose to attend school and be educated. We choose what job we will do for a living. We choose where we will live. Of course, life alters plans and we do what we can at where…

  • Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday……..

    Dear Toni, I have been trying to fulfill a dream for a couple of years now but it just isn’t happening. How long do you keep trying before you give up? Sincerely, R Dear R~ I give you kudos for following a dream and taking steps to achieve that goal. Good for you! Goals/dreams are very important to grow and achieving them is a wonderful feeling. Some dreams take a while to achieve. Some can wear us out. Do we continue and not give up or do we just say enough is enough. How much longer can I keep trying? Is this not meant to be? When to stop is…

  • Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday……

    Dear Toni, I’m so tired of working everyday to go nowhere. I can barely get by and I’m tired of scraping and working so hard. I just need a break. Any suggestions? T Dear T~ You may not like my response to this but ….. work! That’s all you can do. We need to work to survive and at time we are JUST surviving! It’s tough. Many people who make it big worked hard to get there. Many were below survival at the time. JK Rowling, who wrote the Harry Potter series, was broke, a single mom, and contemplating suicide. Now a billionaire. To make it more simple, a friend’s…

  • Books

    Don’t make New Year’s Resolutions…….

    It is that time of the year again! Time to sit down and write your New Year’s Resolutions. Most of us write down two or three. And most of us write down the same ones we did last year, and the year before that. Most of us do not stick to our resolutions. I don’t believe it is necessarily not having the “will power”, but with a resolution, once you break it, it is over. If you make a resolution you are making a firm decision to do or not to do something. When you write these down, you are making a firm decision that on January 1 you will…

  • Books

    The power to keep going………

    No one said that life was going to be simple and easy, but sometimes it seems like there is no break. Right when one thing ends, something else begins. Sometimes you may get a chance to take a breath but usually you feel like you are just being suffocated. Why won’t things let up? Why do things keep happening to you? It is not just you. It may feel like it is but there are many people who feel the same way. I have my share, too. I keep saying that with all these trials I keep getting, God is just preparing me to be a really good angel with a…

  • Books

    Exciting new things coming…………….

    We are going to be making some changes this year and I am looking forward to them. Change can be good and things don’t improve if they always stay the same. I will be expanding my technical skills and trying new things, for example Podcasts. I will continue with my video blogs but maybe not have them weekly and change it to bi-weekly. I will be posting more on my website but not so much just motivational blogs, but everything blogs. What I am feeling I want to share, I will. It is real, it is me, and it is changing. I will be polite but I may say some…

  • Books

    How long do you try before you give up????

    I talk a lot about not giving up.  Keep moving forward. Keep trying. Well, the question is, how long do you keep trying before enough is enough? That all depends. But let me tell you a story that may inspire you to keep trying for as long as it takes. My dad was medically disabled at the age of 45 due to rheumatoid, degenerative arthritis. By the time he was 50 years old he was in a wheelchair.  His neck has been fused. He has had surgery on his hands, feet, knees, hips, and neck. His surgeries are numerous in number. He couldn’t drive anymore. He couldn’t walk anymore. He…

  • Books

    Do not give up……………..

    Life can be hard.  We all have had tough experiences we have had to go through in this journey called life.  Some tougher than others, but tough just the same.  We have all had dreams we have wanted to achieve but maybe something came in the way of that and we stop perusing for it to come true.  We have all wanted better in life with either a job, finances, living situations, or something else but came to face that it would never change and stop thinking that it could.  DO NOT GIVE UP! Just because things may be hard now, or for the last five years, does not mean…

  • Books

    Are you holding yourself back?

    You want change!  You think about it, you dream about it and you focus so much attention on it.  BUT………….. do you do anything about it?  What steps are you making to get the change you want?  Dreams are great and I encourage them but you have to do something about it in order to make it happen.  You can’t focus on something and leave it at that. AND…………………. stop thinking and start doing! What is holding you back?  YOU!  You may be saying, “Now wait a minute!  I am NOT holding myself back.  ______________ is holding me back!”  What is __________________?  Money, your job, your health, your spouse, parents,…

  • Books

    Dreams are not only for sleeping…………

    Dream.  Dream BIG!!!!  Dreaming for a better tomorrow is healthy.  It is not a foolish thing to do, as some say.  The ones who say this live lives to the standard.  Why be the standard?  Why not be better?  Why not reach out for something big?  Dreams are healthy.  Many studies have shown that setting goals is something people should do.  Is a dream and a goal not related?  Of course they are.  First…….. you need the dream.  Then……… you need to set goals on how to reach that dream. Don’t expect things to happen overnight if this a dream that needs work.  Most success stories are not overnight stories. …