• Books

    Unity is a Choice…….

    We were born with no choices. We weren’t able to choose to be American, African, Asian, or any other nationality. We didn’t have the choice of hair, eye, or skin color. We couldn’t decide what sex we would be. We were just born how we were with what was given to us. As we grow, we get choices. We decide what we like and don’t like. We choose how we live our lives. We choose to attend school and be educated. We choose what job we will do for a living. We choose where we will live. Of course, life alters plans and we do what we can at where…

  • Books

    Positive or push over?

    I speak a lot about boosting others, helping yourself, rising above, and moving forward. I believe it’s important to find the positive in tough situations. I think being a good role in the world is a good thing to work towards. Even if it’s putting a quarter in a charity dish. I think walking away with your head held high is an asset most of us don’t have but should work on. I also believe that there are times when enough is enough. We try so hard to find peace in a chaotic world. We try to keep our mouths shut as not to offend others. We fight to keep…

  • Books

    It’s No Accident

    “Wow! This world is crazy!” We are hearing this more often now days. With the political battles, the race division, the cop issues….. it just seems that more aggressive behavior is on the horizon. Not just in the United States, but with other countries around the earth. It seems there is so much anger. The media boasts on problems with our country and elected officials. It pushes division among race, leadership, and first responders. The environment feels tense. People seem to be acting irrational and appear to judge. People are convicted before even standing trial. Businesses cave to save face and their customers. Media is left to be untrue and…

  • Books

    Live the positive when handed negative.

    It’s easy to focus on the negative. It hurts. It is painful. It is emotionally draining. It seems to make more of an impact on us than the positive that seems to be light hearted and doesn’t weigh so much on us.  It also makes us lose sight of the good. Don’t focus so much on the bad that you lose sight of the good. Today, as I was looking in the mirror, a beautiful insight came to me. I was actually shocked by the woman standing before me. Why did it take me so long to see her? For the last three and a half years I had been…

  • Books

    Stand for what you believe but know when to sit back………

    We all have our opinions of how we think things should be in life. To living a healthy lifestyle or living it with junk food and the remote. To saying the Pledge of Allegiance in school or taking it away. To saying chicken should be baked instead of fried. Shaken and not stirred. Pretty much everything in life has our own opinions. That is what makes us unique. It is what makes progress in the world. It brings change and hope. It also brings conflict, deceit, and hostility. I think everyone should stand up for what they believe in. I have a few beliefs I project out. My biggest is “keep moving forward.” I honestly think…

  • Books

    Stop blaming and take responsibility……..

    I know it can be easier to blame someone else rather than take responsibility for something that can be bad. A mistake, an accident, an argument, finances, relationship, and the list goes on. It is so easy to say, “Well, if YOU didn’t do this, then none of this would be happening!” instead of just looking at a situation and trying to fix it. We like to be right. We don’t like to claim when something bad can be our fault. We would rather pass the blame somewhere else so we don’t have to accept the responsibility that we are at fault. Even if we are not at fault we…

  • Books

    Self Reflection……..

    Often I post messages about letting go of negative people in your life.  This is true for friends, co-workers, and even family.  You don’t want to have negative in your life that brings you down and takes your energy.  But……. could you be your own source of toxic?  Could you be the negative energy that is bringing you down and others around you? If you can’t seem to get out of a certain rut in life, is it you? Sometimes we tend to make our own problems.  Some problems are just going to happen, it’s life.  But other times we cause our own.  We create more than what is there…

  • Books

    Take a chance……….

    We limit ourselves in fear.  Fear of failure.  Fear of what people will think. Fear of what may or may not happen.  Fear of it not working the way we want.  FEAR!  We are afraid to take the plunge.  What if it doesn’t work out?  What if I mess everything up?  What if, what if, what if………………….. WELL…………. What IF…………………… it works out better than you thought? Sometimes it may not work out the way you want.  But something will work out.  And maybe it will work out for the better!  We want to live a predictable life.  Live in the comfort zone.  If we know it, we can accept…

  • Books

    Are you holding yourself back?

    You want change!  You think about it, you dream about it and you focus so much attention on it.  BUT………….. do you do anything about it?  What steps are you making to get the change you want?  Dreams are great and I encourage them but you have to do something about it in order to make it happen.  You can’t focus on something and leave it at that. AND…………………. stop thinking and start doing! What is holding you back?  YOU!  You may be saying, “Now wait a minute!  I am NOT holding myself back.  ______________ is holding me back!”  What is __________________?  Money, your job, your health, your spouse, parents,…