• Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday……..

    Dear Toni, I have been trying to fulfill a dream for a couple of years now but it just isn’t happening. How long do you keep trying before you give up? Sincerely, R Dear R~ I give you kudos for following a dream and taking steps to achieve that goal. Good for you! Goals/dreams are very important to grow and achieving them is a wonderful feeling. Some dreams take a while to achieve. Some can wear us out. Do we continue and not give up or do we just say enough is enough. How much longer can I keep trying? Is this not meant to be? When to stop is…

  • Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday………

    Dear Toni, My relationship recently ended. It was not by my choice. I’m dealing with it and moving on but I was wondering what is the amount of time you should wait to start finding someone new? Sincerely, T Dear T, You know when you are ready. It can be a day or a month but when you feel like you are ready to meet someone else, you will. Don’t let others tell you it’s too soon or you need to get out there. They will try to help you because they care. Your friends may judge you if you jump in too soon. Or they might get upset that…

  • Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday……

    Dear Toni, My friend unfriended me on Facebook because of a debate we had on politics. It’s so stupid that she would unfriend me when I have known her for twelve years. I don’t know what to do. Do I try to talk to her? Do I leave it alone? I know we are suppose to let things go and move on but do I move on without her or try to mend this? Right now she hasn’t said anything else to me. Thank you. Truly, V Dear V~ I have heard of this happening quite a bit. In fact it has happened to me. I am also perplexed that…

  • Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday…….

    Dear Toni, I have been passed up for a promotion two times now. I know I am doing a good job because my evaluations are always great. I don’t know why I keep getting passed. I am trying to stay positive but it is hard. How can I stay motivated to keep going? If I get passed up one more time I think it would devastate me. Thank you. Signed, W Dear W~ I am sorry you did not get promoted. That’s tough. I have been there a couple of times and it hurts. There are a couple of suggestions I have on this. The first one is to know…

  • Books

    Don’t let social media value you……

    Our world has been turned into social media. Our relationship status, our friends, our businesses, our family life line, our communication, etc……. It’s everywhere. The YouTuber’s, Instagramer’s, Tweeters, and all others that fall in the social media line. My main go-to is Facebook.  About 81% of Americans are on social media. That’s a lot!!!!! I’m thinking the other 19% is too young and in toddler stage! Social media has brought many people together! Unfortunately, it has torn others apart. We value our connections and some people way exceed their number of connections! The more friends or likes then the more important you are! The more you important you are, the…

  • Books

    Finding Christmas spirit………

    I love Christmas! This is my favorite time of the year. I love the baking, music, festivities, and family time. I love the idea of snowflakes possibly falling on Christmas day. I love the giving, smiles, and friendly people. Not everyone feels the way I do. Some people look at Christmas as a money maker. Some see it as a Christian holiday that they don’t want to partake in.  Some are missing loved ones and just can’t find the holiday joy. If you have a humbug attitude or a heart filled with sadness, let this be the year those feelings go away. Christmas is what you make it. I don’t…

  • Books

    Stand for what you believe but know when to sit back………

    We all have our opinions of how we think things should be in life. To living a healthy lifestyle or living it with junk food and the remote. To saying the Pledge of Allegiance in school or taking it away. To saying chicken should be baked instead of fried. Shaken and not stirred. Pretty much everything in life has our own opinions. That is what makes us unique. It is what makes progress in the world. It brings change and hope. It also brings conflict, deceit, and hostility. I think everyone should stand up for what they believe in. I have a few beliefs I project out. My biggest is “keep moving forward.” I honestly think…

  • Books

    The power to keep going………

    No one said that life was going to be simple and easy, but sometimes it seems like there is no break. Right when one thing ends, something else begins. Sometimes you may get a chance to take a breath but usually you feel like you are just being suffocated. Why won’t things let up? Why do things keep happening to you? It is not just you. It may feel like it is but there are many people who feel the same way. I have my share, too. I keep saying that with all these trials I keep getting, God is just preparing me to be a really good angel with a…

  • Books

    How long do you try before you give up????

    I talk a lot about not giving up.  Keep moving forward. Keep trying. Well, the question is, how long do you keep trying before enough is enough? That all depends. But let me tell you a story that may inspire you to keep trying for as long as it takes. My dad was medically disabled at the age of 45 due to rheumatoid, degenerative arthritis. By the time he was 50 years old he was in a wheelchair.  His neck has been fused. He has had surgery on his hands, feet, knees, hips, and neck. His surgeries are numerous in number. He couldn’t drive anymore. He couldn’t walk anymore. He…

  • Books

    One step forward, two steps back……..

    Have you felt like you were moving forward only to be pushed back, yet again? Feeling frustrated that once you start making progress, it stops? Set backs are tough. Sometimes it is difficult to keep that positive outlook when we are being pushed back more than moving ahead. But don’t give up! I often use that quote, “Everything happens for a reason.” I do believe this. I am not always sure of what the reason is and sometimes I never find out. I struggle to keep positive when I get pushed back sometimes. I am like everyone else. I have bad days. Then you need to get back up and…