• Books

    Stop blaming and take responsibility……..

    I know it can be easier to blame someone else rather than take responsibility for something that can be bad. A mistake, an accident, an argument, finances, relationship, and the list goes on. It is so easy to say, “Well, if YOU didn’t do this, then none of this would be happening!” instead of just looking at a situation and trying to fix it. We like to be right. We don’t like to claim when something bad can be our fault. We would rather pass the blame somewhere else so we don’t have to accept the responsibility that we are at fault. Even if we are not at fault we…

  • Books

    Take time to self reflect………

    Life can be so busy. We are running here, running there, and still trying to manage everything else. We have hardly any time to think let alone reflect on our life. I am not talking about thinking about our life, I am talking about reflecting on your life. Really looking at your life and where you are in it. Something was brought to my attention that took me off guard. For many years I thought I had been clear letting people know how I feel about  them and certain things. I thought that even if I didn’t agree with what they might do, I support them and will be there along…

  • Books

    Who’s opinion matters????

    I had stated that my blogs were going to be motivational but also, pretty straight forward on some. We have real issues we live with that I would like to voice my opinion on every once in a while.  I know not everyone will agree with me and that is OK. We should all be able to agree to disagree. We are adults and should be able to know that everyone has their own beliefs and that is what makes the world go around. I am not saying I am right and you are wrong or vice versa. It is just the way we are designed. What I do not…

  • Books

    Stop complaining and take action~

    I hear people complaining about their lives. They are broke. They are fat. They are unhappy. They hate their job. They are angry with someone. They never get a break. Complain, complain, complain. I also see them doing nothing about what they are complaining about. If you are broke, stop buy frivolous items and start saving that money instead. If you are overweight, watch what you eat and start an exercise program. If you are unhappy, that is a choice you need to make inside. If you don’t like your job, apply for a new one. If you are angry with someone, confront them or move on. If you never…

  • Books

    How long do you try before you give up????

    I talk a lot about not giving up.  Keep moving forward. Keep trying. Well, the question is, how long do you keep trying before enough is enough? That all depends. But let me tell you a story that may inspire you to keep trying for as long as it takes. My dad was medically disabled at the age of 45 due to rheumatoid, degenerative arthritis. By the time he was 50 years old he was in a wheelchair.  His neck has been fused. He has had surgery on his hands, feet, knees, hips, and neck. His surgeries are numerous in number. He couldn’t drive anymore. He couldn’t walk anymore. He…

  • Books

    Self Reflection……..

    Often I post messages about letting go of negative people in your life.  This is true for friends, co-workers, and even family.  You don’t want to have negative in your life that brings you down and takes your energy.  But……. could you be your own source of toxic?  Could you be the negative energy that is bringing you down and others around you? If you can’t seem to get out of a certain rut in life, is it you? Sometimes we tend to make our own problems.  Some problems are just going to happen, it’s life.  But other times we cause our own.  We create more than what is there…

  • Books

    One step forward, two steps back……..

    Have you felt like you were moving forward only to be pushed back, yet again? Feeling frustrated that once you start making progress, it stops? Set backs are tough. Sometimes it is difficult to keep that positive outlook when we are being pushed back more than moving ahead. But don’t give up! I often use that quote, “Everything happens for a reason.” I do believe this. I am not always sure of what the reason is and sometimes I never find out. I struggle to keep positive when I get pushed back sometimes. I am like everyone else. I have bad days. Then you need to get back up and…

  • Books

    It is not rejection ………

    So, you didn’t get the job you wanted or the house you hoped for or the car that was screaming your name.  You were REJECTED!  Or were you?  I don’t think so.  I know it hurts and makes you feel sad but there is a brighter side.  You just don’t see it right now.  That job may have had a very difficult person you would have had to work with and was not in your favor.  The house may have had a neighbor that would have caused you tremendous grief and that would not be to your best interest.  The car, well, you didn’t need the payment even though you…

  • Books

    There is a reason for everything!

    Do you ever wonder why things happen?  I suppose many of us do.  I am one of those firm believers that everything happens for a reason.  I may not know what the reason is or I may not like what it happening, but I know it is all a part of a bigger plan. We plan our lives.  Even just our days.  And something goes haywire.  THAT was NOT a part of MY plan!!!  Sometimes good, sometimes bad.  Of course, the good is always better to be surprised with.  But usually it is the bad that throws us for a loop.  It messes up our day or even the next…