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    Dear Toni Tuesday……..

    Dear Toni, There is so much happening in the world right now that is negative. The politics, protesting, fighting, racism, mass shootings, and so much more. It’s too much. It makes it hard to stay motivated. With so much bad, how can you focus on the good? T Dear T~ Very good question. I am going to answer this in two ways because I don’t know if you are asking me directly or in general. As for me… I focus on the positive as much as possible. I am also realistic which has caused me to be called negative. You can be positive but still see what’s going on around…

  • Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday…….

    Dear Toni, I have been passed up for a promotion two times now. I know I am doing a good job because my evaluations are always great. I don’t know why I keep getting passed. I am trying to stay positive but it is hard. How can I stay motivated to keep going? If I get passed up one more time I think it would devastate me. Thank you. Signed, W Dear W~ I am sorry you did not get promoted. That’s tough. I have been there a couple of times and it hurts. There are a couple of suggestions I have on this. The first one is to know…

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    Don’t let social media value you……

    Our world has been turned into social media. Our relationship status, our friends, our businesses, our family life line, our communication, etc……. It’s everywhere. The YouTuber’s, Instagramer’s, Tweeters, and all others that fall in the social media line. My main go-to is Facebook.  About 81% of Americans are on social media. That’s a lot!!!!! I’m thinking the other 19% is too young and in toddler stage! Social media has brought many people together! Unfortunately, it has torn others apart. We value our connections and some people way exceed their number of connections! The more friends or likes then the more important you are! The more you important you are, the…

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    Create your balance….

    I am back from some much needed time off. I had “fun time” and worked on getting a couple of projects caught up that I needed to focus on. Too many things at one time is not always a good thing. Sometimes we need to slow down to catch up. Which brings me to this blog. Balance! We need to live with balance in order to thrive. We often hear or have said that we need to find balance in our life. If we try to find balance, we will not find it. Balance is not something you can seek. Balance is something you need to create! If you are feeling out…

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    2016 is YOUR year!!!

    The New Year brings New Beginnings! Such an exciting time. Throwing out the old, bringing in the new.  Making new resolutions and hoping we stick to them. Looking forward to what the future has to offer or sometimes dreading what lies ahead.  It is all how you see it.  It is all what you want it to be. It can be filled with joy or full of sorrow.  You can start fresh or drag worries behind you. You can bring in new light or sift through darkness. I love the new year! I look forward to what lies ahead and what changes will come.  I look forward to accomplishing goals…

  • Books

    Are you holding yourself back?

    You want change!  You think about it, you dream about it and you focus so much attention on it.  BUT………….. do you do anything about it?  What steps are you making to get the change you want?  Dreams are great and I encourage them but you have to do something about it in order to make it happen.  You can’t focus on something and leave it at that. AND…………………. stop thinking and start doing! What is holding you back?  YOU!  You may be saying, “Now wait a minute!  I am NOT holding myself back.  ______________ is holding me back!”  What is __________________?  Money, your job, your health, your spouse, parents,…

  • Books

    There is a reason for everything!

    Do you ever wonder why things happen?  I suppose many of us do.  I am one of those firm believers that everything happens for a reason.  I may not know what the reason is or I may not like what it happening, but I know it is all a part of a bigger plan. We plan our lives.  Even just our days.  And something goes haywire.  THAT was NOT a part of MY plan!!!  Sometimes good, sometimes bad.  Of course, the good is always better to be surprised with.  But usually it is the bad that throws us for a loop.  It messes up our day or even the next…