
Dear Toni Tuesday……..


Dear Toni,

There is so much happening in the world right now that is negative. The politics, protesting, fighting, racism, mass shootings, and so much more. It’s too much. It makes it hard to stay motivated. With so much bad, how can you focus on the good?


Dear T~

Very good question. I am going to answer this in two ways because I don’t know if you are asking me directly or in general.

As for me… I focus on the positive as much as possible. I am also realistic which has caused me to be called negative. You can be positive but still see what’s going on around you. Bad things happen all the time. I have a few things in my life that could take me down and put me in a depression if I let it. I could be angry, bitter, and a victim. I don’t allow it. It’s a choice. I focus on making things better. I choose to be happy. I have decided to be victorious in my life and keep pushing forward.

I know what is happening in the world and around me. My heart hurts, I feel sad, I can feel fear at times, and I have grieved. But, I choose to live! I choose to put good in the world as much as I can. My life will be short in comparison to eternity and I want to make it good. I want to feel it, experience adventure, and learn new things. I want to love people, cherish those who are close to me, and help others the best I can. It’s the choices I have made to make my life the best I can make it. I want to share this with others so they can live fully, too.

As far as others seeing positive in a negative world….. it’s a choice. It’s a choice to focus on the positive. It’s a choice not to live as a victim. It’s a choice to be happy. We can be fighters of life or curl up and let it take us over.

Of course, there are situations that are more extreme and someone may need to seek professional assistance. In general we just need to strive to keep good in our lives. We need to focus on what makes us push forward and to put the negative behind us. Keep out drama, toxic people, and negativity in our lives.

We can’t change the entire world, but we can change OUR world around us. We can make good decisions, be good people, live productively, and share our goodness to others. Smiles, hugs, and opening doors cost us nothing but can make positive vibes in the world. Choose positive.

I hope this helped. It’s just the way we perceive our life and how we want to live it. Good overweighs bad and that should be the focus.

Best wishes to you. Live life fully!

Toni Dowrey

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