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    NEW FOR 2023!!!

    I don’t do well blogging. I get behind. I’m not consistent. I am bad. But…. I have a new idea for 2023. I have video blogs I post on my personal social media. On this site I want to blog in a new way for me. There will be stories with motivation and riddles. Poetry and inspiration. A little different. A little bit exciting. And a great way to open the mind. Stay tuned and let’s set new goals for 2023 to be a great blogging year here! The adventures await!

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    Lighten Your Load ~ My Opinion

    Was last year a difficult one? Were you out of sorts? Were you feeling suffocated or trapped? Do you just want to feel more freedom this year? Were you burned out and lacking energy? Take a look at your surroundings. Could that be your problem? If you want this year to be better than last, you might just need to lighten your load. A good way to do this is to start cleaning up your space! What? That sounds so stupid! So, you think I will have a better year if I clean up my space? Absolutely! When our space isn’t well, we can not be well. Having clutter, piles,…

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    Lacking Christmas Spirit? – My Opinion

    Is your Christmas spirit lacking or non existent this year? Are past memories holding you down? Is the loss of loved ones keeping you from enjoying the season? Are you feeling alone during a family holiday? Are you just not feeling the Christmas magic?  The holidays can be a very difficult time for many. Commercials and movies make it a time of love and laughter and put an added stress of what you are not feeling. It can be very overwhelming when it’s everywhere for about two months.  I hope you use this time to reflect on what it is that brings you down at this time of year and…

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    Unity is a Choice…….

    We were born with no choices. We weren’t able to choose to be American, African, Asian, or any other nationality. We didn’t have the choice of hair, eye, or skin color. We couldn’t decide what sex we would be. We were just born how we were with what was given to us. As we grow, we get choices. We decide what we like and don’t like. We choose how we live our lives. We choose to attend school and be educated. We choose what job we will do for a living. We choose where we will live. Of course, life alters plans and we do what we can at where…

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    You are more…….

    Sometimes we feel less than. It can be caused by a stranger, boss, co-worker, friend, family member, or a partner in life. Things they say or how they treat you can make you feel belittled, disrespected, or degraded. It hurts and tears at your inner being. It can have you questioning your qualities, abilities, worthiness, or even your purpose. It could be about your job position, a silly disagreement, or your meaning of life. Depending on the length of time you deal with it, it can be breaking you down. You shouldn’t question anything about your life unless it’s to better yourself and not putting yourself down. If you work,…

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    Dear Toni Tuesday………

    Dear Toni, My relationship recently ended. It was not by my choice. I’m dealing with it and moving on but I was wondering what is the amount of time you should wait to start finding someone new? Sincerely, T Dear T, You know when you are ready. It can be a day or a month but when you feel like you are ready to meet someone else, you will. Don’t let others tell you it’s too soon or you need to get out there. They will try to help you because they care. Your friends may judge you if you jump in too soon. Or they might get upset that…

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    Dear Toni Tuesday……..

      Dear Toni, I have been sick for years with COPD. I know it’s getting worse and the doctors say I have about 3 years at the most to live. I am scared because December showed me how quickly I would go. I am remembering less and less and it scares me to death to not remember my kids, grandkids, true love, high school or my marriages. Doctors say I won’t know a lot soon so I revised my will, updated my life insurance and will live! I know I am not ready to go so God’s Plan will just have to wait! ~J Dear J, I just lost a…

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    Dear Toni Tuesday……

      Dear Toni, I have been having a hard time with social media. It’s like our lives are based on it. How many likes we get. How many friends we have. How many events we are invited to. Our relationship status. Our meme on our pics. Everything! It’s so hard to keep up. I feel like I waste all my time trying to fit it on social media. It’s so much to keep up with and a lot of pressure. You don’t fit in if you aren’t in with it. I have lost some friends because of it and I’m starting to get depressed. I’m not sure what to do…

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    It’s OK to say good-bye to more than just a year….

    Another year has been left in the past. We move forward to the new year and leave everything behind but memories. Some are good, some are bad. Some are happy, some are sad. Some are fabulous, some we wish didn’t happen. No year is perfect but some are pretty darn close. It seems as we get older, we appreciate our years. We also appreciate friendship and family even more. Drama gets a side kick and peace moves in. We grow into life teachers and get to a place where little things have more value of good and less stress. When each year passes we leave something behind. Pieces of us…

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    Live the positive when handed negative.

    It’s easy to focus on the negative. It hurts. It is painful. It is emotionally draining. It seems to make more of an impact on us than the positive that seems to be light hearted and doesn’t weigh so much on us.  It also makes us lose sight of the good. Don’t focus so much on the bad that you lose sight of the good. Today, as I was looking in the mirror, a beautiful insight came to me. I was actually shocked by the woman standing before me. Why did it take me so long to see her? For the last three and a half years I had been…