• Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday……

    Dear Toni, I’m so tired of working everyday to go nowhere. I can barely get by and I’m tired of scraping and working so hard. I just need a break. Any suggestions? T Dear T~ You may not like my response to this but ….. work! That’s all you can do. We need to work to survive and at time we are JUST surviving! It’s tough. Many people who make it big worked hard to get there. Many were below survival at the time. JK Rowling, who wrote the Harry Potter series, was broke, a single mom, and contemplating suicide. Now a billionaire. To make it more simple, a friend’s…

  • Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday……

    Dear Toni, My friend unfriended me on Facebook because of a debate we had on politics. It’s so stupid that she would unfriend me when I have known her for twelve years. I don’t know what to do. Do I try to talk to her? Do I leave it alone? I know we are suppose to let things go and move on but do I move on without her or try to mend this? Right now she hasn’t said anything else to me. Thank you. Truly, V Dear V~ I have heard of this happening quite a bit. In fact it has happened to me. I am also perplexed that…

  • Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday………

    Dear Toni, My boyfriend and I have been dating for five months. He wants me to move in but it seems too soon. I do love him and I see us possibly getting married someday but I still have things I want to accomplish before jumping into a live in relationship. I feel bad because if I want to be with him the rest of my life, I don’t know what is stopping me. Advice? Thanks in advance. Truly, S Dear S, After years of jumping on decisions against my better judgement…. I now ask myself this question. Will I regret not doing it? If the answer is yes, I…

  • Books

    It’s No Accident

    “Wow! This world is crazy!” We are hearing this more often now days. With the political battles, the race division, the cop issues….. it just seems that more aggressive behavior is on the horizon. Not just in the United States, but with other countries around the earth. It seems there is so much anger. The media boasts on problems with our country and elected officials. It pushes division among race, leadership, and first responders. The environment feels tense. People seem to be acting irrational and appear to judge. People are convicted before even standing trial. Businesses cave to save face and their customers. Media is left to be untrue and…

  • Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday……..

      Dear Toni, I have been sick for years with COPD. I know it’s getting worse and the doctors say I have about 3 years at the most to live. I am scared because December showed me how quickly I would go. I am remembering less and less and it scares me to death to not remember my kids, grandkids, true love, high school or my marriages. Doctors say I won’t know a lot soon so I revised my will, updated my life insurance and will live! I know I am not ready to go so God’s Plan will just have to wait! ~J Dear J, I just lost a…

  • Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday……

    Dear Toni, I want to move to a different state for better career advancement. My family is shocked that I even want to move away from them and are calling me selfish. I now have some family members mad at me and I haven’t even left yet. This is my life and I now feel at a crossroad and I’m not sure what to do. Suggestions? Thank you in advance, S Dear S, One thing I do want to point out that you said is that it is YOUR life. You are the only one who lives your life. You have to make decisions that work for YOU. Of course,…

  • Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday……..

    Dear Toni, I love my friend and we have been friends for a long time. When we go out she always wants to go to bars and dance and hit on guys. If she finds a guy then he dumps her soon after. I am getting tired of it and trying to grow up and be a responsible adult and focus on work and paying bills. How do I get her to stop this? I don’t want to lose our fiendship. Help. H Dear H~ i would like to commend you on focusing on work and paying bills. This will be something we do the rest of our lives to…

  • Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday……

      Dear Toni, I have been having a hard time with social media. It’s like our lives are based on it. How many likes we get. How many friends we have. How many events we are invited to. Our relationship status. Our meme on our pics. Everything! It’s so hard to keep up. I feel like I waste all my time trying to fit it on social media. It’s so much to keep up with and a lot of pressure. You don’t fit in if you aren’t in with it. I have lost some friends because of it and I’m starting to get depressed. I’m not sure what to do…

  • Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday…….

    Dear Toni, I have been alone for some time now. I am tired of being lonely. I want to be happy and in a relationship. How do I do that? Signed, A Dear A~ Loneliness can be hard. We are humans and meant to have other contact whether physical or social.  Today in the world of technology, we have more social media that seems to matter rather than physical. With that said, have you tried online dating? I know some people do not like that but it helps you the weed out people who may not interest you. I actually met my husband on a free Match.com weekend and we…

  • Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday…….

    Dear Toni, I have been passed up for a promotion two times now. I know I am doing a good job because my evaluations are always great. I don’t know why I keep getting passed. I am trying to stay positive but it is hard. How can I stay motivated to keep going? If I get passed up one more time I think it would devastate me. Thank you. Signed, W Dear W~ I am sorry you did not get promoted. That’s tough. I have been there a couple of times and it hurts. There are a couple of suggestions I have on this. The first one is to know…