• Books

    Celebrate Life As It Is….

    It’s so hard to find joy or happiness when life is weighing you down. Especially during the holidays. Quite often, and more so now, we hear how everything is so messed up. Life just needs to get back to normal. Life is so unfair. Let me ask you this, life is unfair compared to what?  Life is life. You are going to have great times and you will suffer through your hardest days. You will be happy and celebrating good moments and there will be times you hate everything around you. You will feel peace and love throughout your life but you will also feel pain and hurt. It’s life.…

  • Books

    You are more…….

    Sometimes we feel less than. It can be caused by a stranger, boss, co-worker, friend, family member, or a partner in life. Things they say or how they treat you can make you feel belittled, disrespected, or degraded. It hurts and tears at your inner being. It can have you questioning your qualities, abilities, worthiness, or even your purpose. It could be about your job position, a silly disagreement, or your meaning of life. Depending on the length of time you deal with it, it can be breaking you down. You shouldn’t question anything about your life unless it’s to better yourself and not putting yourself down. If you work,…

  • Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday……..

    Dear Toni, There is so much happening in the world right now that is negative. The politics, protesting, fighting, racism, mass shootings, and so much more. It’s too much. It makes it hard to stay motivated. With so much bad, how can you focus on the good? T Dear T~ Very good question. I am going to answer this in two ways because I don’t know if you are asking me directly or in general. As for me… I focus on the positive as much as possible. I am also realistic which has caused me to be called negative. You can be positive but still see what’s going on around…

  • Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday………

    Dear Toni, My relationship recently ended. It was not by my choice. I’m dealing with it and moving on but I was wondering what is the amount of time you should wait to start finding someone new? Sincerely, T Dear T, You know when you are ready. It can be a day or a month but when you feel like you are ready to meet someone else, you will. Don’t let others tell you it’s too soon or you need to get out there. They will try to help you because they care. Your friends may judge you if you jump in too soon. Or they might get upset that…

  • Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday……

    Dear Toni, I’m so tired of working everyday to go nowhere. I can barely get by and I’m tired of scraping and working so hard. I just need a break. Any suggestions? T Dear T~ You may not like my response to this but ….. work! That’s all you can do. We need to work to survive and at time we are JUST surviving! It’s tough. Many people who make it big worked hard to get there. Many were below survival at the time. JK Rowling, who wrote the Harry Potter series, was broke, a single mom, and contemplating suicide. Now a billionaire. To make it more simple, a friend’s…

  • Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday………

    Dear Toni, My boyfriend and I have been dating for five months. He wants me to move in but it seems too soon. I do love him and I see us possibly getting married someday but I still have things I want to accomplish before jumping into a live in relationship. I feel bad because if I want to be with him the rest of my life, I don’t know what is stopping me. Advice? Thanks in advance. Truly, S Dear S, After years of jumping on decisions against my better judgement…. I now ask myself this question. Will I regret not doing it? If the answer is yes, I…

  • Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday……

      Dear Toni, I have been having a hard time with social media. It’s like our lives are based on it. How many likes we get. How many friends we have. How many events we are invited to. Our relationship status. Our meme on our pics. Everything! It’s so hard to keep up. I feel like I waste all my time trying to fit it on social media. It’s so much to keep up with and a lot of pressure. You don’t fit in if you aren’t in with it. I have lost some friends because of it and I’m starting to get depressed. I’m not sure what to do…

  • Books

    Don’t let social media value you……

    Our world has been turned into social media. Our relationship status, our friends, our businesses, our family life line, our communication, etc……. It’s everywhere. The YouTuber’s, Instagramer’s, Tweeters, and all others that fall in the social media line. My main go-to is Facebook.  About 81% of Americans are on social media. That’s a lot!!!!! I’m thinking the other 19% is too young and in toddler stage! Social media has brought many people together! Unfortunately, it has torn others apart. We value our connections and some people way exceed their number of connections! The more friends or likes then the more important you are! The more you important you are, the…

  • Books

    Don’t make New Year’s Resolutions…….

    It is that time of the year again! Time to sit down and write your New Year’s Resolutions. Most of us write down two or three. And most of us write down the same ones we did last year, and the year before that. Most of us do not stick to our resolutions. I don’t believe it is necessarily not having the “will power”, but with a resolution, once you break it, it is over. If you make a resolution you are making a firm decision to do or not to do something. When you write these down, you are making a firm decision that on January 1 you will…

  • Books

    Finding Christmas spirit………

    I love Christmas! This is my favorite time of the year. I love the baking, music, festivities, and family time. I love the idea of snowflakes possibly falling on Christmas day. I love the giving, smiles, and friendly people. Not everyone feels the way I do. Some people look at Christmas as a money maker. Some see it as a Christian holiday that they don’t want to partake in.  Some are missing loved ones and just can’t find the holiday joy. If you have a humbug attitude or a heart filled with sadness, let this be the year those feelings go away. Christmas is what you make it. I don’t…