• Books

    Don’t make New Year’s Resolutions…….

    It is that time of the year again! Time to sit down and write your New Year’s Resolutions. Most of us write down two or three. And most of us write down the same ones we did last year, and the year before that. Most of us do not stick to our resolutions. I don’t believe it is necessarily not having the “will power”, but with a resolution, once you break it, it is over. If you make a resolution you are making a firm decision to do or not to do something. When you write these down, you are making a firm decision that on January 1 you will…

  • Books

    Finding Christmas spirit………

    I love Christmas! This is my favorite time of the year. I love the baking, music, festivities, and family time. I love the idea of snowflakes possibly falling on Christmas day. I love the giving, smiles, and friendly people. Not everyone feels the way I do. Some people look at Christmas as a money maker. Some see it as a Christian holiday that they don’t want to partake in.  Some are missing loved ones and just can’t find the holiday joy. If you have a humbug attitude or a heart filled with sadness, let this be the year those feelings go away. Christmas is what you make it. I don’t…

  • Books

    Put your name on it!

    Customer service, patient care, hospitality, and anything having to do with the association of people is lacking! Can we agree that a good word and a hand shake don’t much exist anymore? Back in the day it was everything. If you broke that trust there was hell to pay. Now, if you break that trust it’s a lawsuit and social media bashing but it’s such the norm now a days it means nothing. What a shame! So many people want a paycheck but don’t want to put in the work to get it. They put in just enough to get their money and have a weekend. As long as the work is…

  • Books

    Live the positive when handed negative.

    It’s easy to focus on the negative. It hurts. It is painful. It is emotionally draining. It seems to make more of an impact on us than the positive that seems to be light hearted and doesn’t weigh so much on us.  It also makes us lose sight of the good. Don’t focus so much on the bad that you lose sight of the good. Today, as I was looking in the mirror, a beautiful insight came to me. I was actually shocked by the woman standing before me. Why did it take me so long to see her? For the last three and a half years I had been…

  • Books

    Doing the right thing……..

    We are busy. We have things to do. Places to be and things to be done. We don’t have a lot of time to spare. We let things go by or avoid them just so we don’t waste of any of our precious time. But sometimes, it the precious moments that matter. I saw something quite amazing recently that I haven’t seen for a while. Not that good things do not happen on a regular basis, but in a group effort I don’t see often. At my husband’s last dirt bike race I saw a show of great compassion for the sport and the people in it. As we waited…

  • Books

    When you want to quit life………..keep going!

    Life can be tough. It can knock you down. It can barrel you over. It takes unexpected punches we weren’t prepared to protect ourselves from. Life can make us want to curl up and stay there. The outside world is angry and brutal. It is easier to stay inside and hide. Some just don’t want to live it at all and want to give up. But don’t! This is it! One life. One glorious life. I know to many it may not seem too glorious right now. I know there are some on the last leg of wanting to live it. I know there are days that feel like they…

  • Books

    Fall is the time for change………..

    Summer is on it’s way out and fall is just around the corner. Change is everywhere right now. Kids are going back to school and meeting new friends. We will be spending more time indoors. Snowbirds are making plans to head out. Flip flops are traded for socks and boots. Football season is here and holidays will be soon upon us. The change of season is here. It is also the time where the warm air turns colder. The greens leaves turn color and start to fall. The lively life of summer months now prepares for the winter slumber. The world of nature around us quiets down, unwinds, and starts…

  • Books

    Stand for what you believe but know when to sit back………

    We all have our opinions of how we think things should be in life. To living a healthy lifestyle or living it with junk food and the remote. To saying the Pledge of Allegiance in school or taking it away. To saying chicken should be baked instead of fried. Shaken and not stirred. Pretty much everything in life has our own opinions. That is what makes us unique. It is what makes progress in the world. It brings change and hope. It also brings conflict, deceit, and hostility. I think everyone should stand up for what they believe in. I have a few beliefs I project out. My biggest is “keep moving forward.” I honestly think…

  • Books

    The power to keep going………

    No one said that life was going to be simple and easy, but sometimes it seems like there is no break. Right when one thing ends, something else begins. Sometimes you may get a chance to take a breath but usually you feel like you are just being suffocated. Why won’t things let up? Why do things keep happening to you? It is not just you. It may feel like it is but there are many people who feel the same way. I have my share, too. I keep saying that with all these trials I keep getting, God is just preparing me to be a really good angel with a…

  • Books

    Take time to self reflect………

    Life can be so busy. We are running here, running there, and still trying to manage everything else. We have hardly any time to think let alone reflect on our life. I am not talking about thinking about our life, I am talking about reflecting on your life. Really looking at your life and where you are in it. Something was brought to my attention that took me off guard. For many years I thought I had been clear letting people know how I feel about  them and certain things. I thought that even if I didn’t agree with what they might do, I support them and will be there along…