• Books

    Exciting new things coming…………….

    We are going to be making some changes this year and I am looking forward to them. Change can be good and things don’t improve if they always stay the same. I will be expanding my technical skills and trying new things, for example Podcasts. I will continue with my video blogs but maybe not have them weekly and change it to bi-weekly. I will be posting more on my website but not so much just motivational blogs, but everything blogs. What I am feeling I want to share, I will. It is real, it is me, and it is changing. I will be polite but I may say some…

  • Books

    It is not rejection ………

    So, you didn’t get the job you wanted or the house you hoped for or the car that was screaming your name.  You were REJECTED!  Or were you?  I don’t think so.  I know it hurts and makes you feel sad but there is a brighter side.  You just don’t see it right now.  That job may have had a very difficult person you would have had to work with and was not in your favor.  The house may have had a neighbor that would have caused you tremendous grief and that would not be to your best interest.  The car, well, you didn’t need the payment even though you…

  • Books

    Are you holding yourself back?

    You want change!  You think about it, you dream about it and you focus so much attention on it.  BUT………….. do you do anything about it?  What steps are you making to get the change you want?  Dreams are great and I encourage them but you have to do something about it in order to make it happen.  You can’t focus on something and leave it at that. AND…………………. stop thinking and start doing! What is holding you back?  YOU!  You may be saying, “Now wait a minute!  I am NOT holding myself back.  ______________ is holding me back!”  What is __________________?  Money, your job, your health, your spouse, parents,…

  • Books

    Dreams are not only for sleeping…………

    Dream.  Dream BIG!!!!  Dreaming for a better tomorrow is healthy.  It is not a foolish thing to do, as some say.  The ones who say this live lives to the standard.  Why be the standard?  Why not be better?  Why not reach out for something big?  Dreams are healthy.  Many studies have shown that setting goals is something people should do.  Is a dream and a goal not related?  Of course they are.  First…….. you need the dream.  Then……… you need to set goals on how to reach that dream. Don’t expect things to happen overnight if this a dream that needs work.  Most success stories are not overnight stories. …

  • Books

    Behind Finding You…………..

    Finding You……………………… what does this mean? Does this mean that someone is out to get you? That a stalker is lurking behind dark, creepy corners peeking around the edge to find you? Does it mean that you are lost, driving on the wrong street and we set out to find you on our magically invented GPS? No, it doesn’t mean those things listed above. Because for one, I wouldn’t write a creepy book about a stalker and two, I wouldn’t want anyone lost. Both of these can be such terrifying feelings and I wouldn’t wish them on anyone. But feeling internally lost is just as terrifying. Frightening to not know…