• Books

    Now Available on Amazon.com!

    My new book “Finding You and Your Direction: 11 ways to find the real you” is now available on Amazon.com in paperback and Kindle. Click here to order your copy! I hope you enjoy the book and the information given. I would appreciate any reviews.  Thank you!!

  • Books

    One step forward, two steps back……..

    Have you felt like you were moving forward only to be pushed back, yet again? Feeling frustrated that once you start making progress, it stops? Set backs are tough. Sometimes it is difficult to keep that positive outlook when we are being pushed back more than moving ahead. But don’t give up! I often use that quote, “Everything happens for a reason.” I do believe this. I am not always sure of what the reason is and sometimes I never find out. I struggle to keep positive when I get pushed back sometimes. I am like everyone else. I have bad days. Then you need to get back up and…

  • Books

    Take Control………..

    Many of us feel like our lives are out of control. Either nothing is getting done or it is spinning around in circles and we can’t do anything to stop it, slow it down, or get a grip on what is happening. Life is controlling what direction you are going, what you are doing, and it is taking away a lot of fun. Humans like control.  Yes, some of us are “control freaks”! But having a little control is better than no control.  Even when you do not have control, you have control. So whatever control you can get, take it! When you think you have no control, find it.…

  • Books

    Keeping faith in trial……..

    Life can be hard. Very hard. We hear the quote, “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger”. But the tough times are hard to get through. They can bring us to our knees. They can test everything we have inside to get through. They can crumble us. And if we let them, they can destroy us. Faith is one of the greatest beliefs we can feel. Trusting that everything happens for a reason. Even if what is happening or has happened has been very tragic. The faith that the outcome will be for good even if the trial is unfair or devastating. It can be difficult to have faith. We…

  • Books

    It is not rejection ………

    So, you didn’t get the job you wanted or the house you hoped for or the car that was screaming your name.  You were REJECTED!  Or were you?  I don’t think so.  I know it hurts and makes you feel sad but there is a brighter side.  You just don’t see it right now.  That job may have had a very difficult person you would have had to work with and was not in your favor.  The house may have had a neighbor that would have caused you tremendous grief and that would not be to your best interest.  The car, well, you didn’t need the payment even though you…

  • Books

    The waiting is the hardest part…………..

    Waiting!  It is so hard to do.  Waiting in line.  Waiting for the work day to be over.  Waiting for a trial to be gone.  Even waiting for something good coming up that is not happening soon enough.  We wait.  We lose patience.  We struggle with keeping a still heart.  Just be done with it already! The waiting is actually the best part.  It is where you find out your strength.  Your patience.  Your connection to yourself.  It is a learning period for those willing to learn.  It is not fun most of the time.  It is difficult and can bring you to your knees.  It can be frustrating with…