• Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday…….

    Dear Toni, I have been alone for some time now. I am tired of being lonely. I want to be happy and in a relationship. How do I do that? Signed, A Dear A~ Loneliness can be hard. We are humans and meant to have other contact whether physical or social.  Today in the world of technology, we have more social media that seems to matter rather than physical. With that said, have you tried online dating? I know some people do not like that but it helps you the weed out people who may not interest you. I actually met my husband on a free Match.com weekend and we…

  • Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday……..

    Dear Toni, I am in college with only one more year to go. I don’t think I want to pursue this degree and thinking of quitting school and just getting a job. I don’t want to disappoint my parents but I’m tired of school and don’t know what I want to do now. What do you suggest? -A Dear A~ I suggest that you stay in school and finish out your degree. I suggest this for a few reasons. One being that I feel education is strongly important if you are able to get it. This is not something to take for granted. If your plans change, you can always…

  • Books

    Stand for what you believe but know when to sit back………

    We all have our opinions of how we think things should be in life. To living a healthy lifestyle or living it with junk food and the remote. To saying the Pledge of Allegiance in school or taking it away. To saying chicken should be baked instead of fried. Shaken and not stirred. Pretty much everything in life has our own opinions. That is what makes us unique. It is what makes progress in the world. It brings change and hope. It also brings conflict, deceit, and hostility. I think everyone should stand up for what they believe in. I have a few beliefs I project out. My biggest is “keep moving forward.” I honestly think…

  • Books

    2016 is YOUR year!!!

    The New Year brings New Beginnings! Such an exciting time. Throwing out the old, bringing in the new.  Making new resolutions and hoping we stick to them. Looking forward to what the future has to offer or sometimes dreading what lies ahead.  It is all how you see it.  It is all what you want it to be. It can be filled with joy or full of sorrow.  You can start fresh or drag worries behind you. You can bring in new light or sift through darkness. I love the new year! I look forward to what lies ahead and what changes will come.  I look forward to accomplishing goals…

  • Books

    Keep your faith and let you be the plan for others…..

    My Sunday faith story…….. I was nervous moving away from my family and the state I have always lived in for 46 years. Moving to the other side of the United States. With a man I married two years earlier but never lived with. Knowing God was pushing me this direction I needed to do it. After getting here and the house we were buying fell through and the next one didn’t work out and then the NEXT one didn’t work and then the NEXT!!!?? What on earth? Never had I seen this. All different reasons from taxes to swamp land to another offer being accepted to whatever reason. Just…