• Books

    Doing the right thing……..

    We are busy. We have things to do. Places to be and things to be done. We don’t have a lot of time to spare. We let things go by or avoid them just so we don’t waste of any of our precious time. But sometimes, it the precious moments that matter. I saw something quite amazing recently that I haven’t seen for a while. Not that good things do not happen on a regular basis, but in a group effort I don’t see often. At my husband’s last dirt bike race I saw a show of great compassion for the sport and the people in it. As we waited…

  • Books

    How long do you try before you give up????

    I talk a lot about not giving up.  Keep moving forward. Keep trying. Well, the question is, how long do you keep trying before enough is enough? That all depends. But let me tell you a story that may inspire you to keep trying for as long as it takes. My dad was medically disabled at the age of 45 due to rheumatoid, degenerative arthritis. By the time he was 50 years old he was in a wheelchair.  His neck has been fused. He has had surgery on his hands, feet, knees, hips, and neck. His surgeries are numerous in number. He couldn’t drive anymore. He couldn’t walk anymore. He…

  • Books

    One step forward, two steps back……..

    Have you felt like you were moving forward only to be pushed back, yet again? Feeling frustrated that once you start making progress, it stops? Set backs are tough. Sometimes it is difficult to keep that positive outlook when we are being pushed back more than moving ahead. But don’t give up! I often use that quote, “Everything happens for a reason.” I do believe this. I am not always sure of what the reason is and sometimes I never find out. I struggle to keep positive when I get pushed back sometimes. I am like everyone else. I have bad days. Then you need to get back up and…

  • Books

    Take Control………..

    Many of us feel like our lives are out of control. Either nothing is getting done or it is spinning around in circles and we can’t do anything to stop it, slow it down, or get a grip on what is happening. Life is controlling what direction you are going, what you are doing, and it is taking away a lot of fun. Humans like control.  Yes, some of us are “control freaks”! But having a little control is better than no control.  Even when you do not have control, you have control. So whatever control you can get, take it! When you think you have no control, find it.…

  • Books

    Do not quit!!!

    Life has its challenges. It throws us unexpected curves and a spiral of winds. And usually when we least expect it.  Somethings feel like we will never get through.  It keeps taking us down the long road and it keeps on going but doesn’t seem to have a stop sign or turn anywhere in sight.  We want to quit the adventure and get off the road but we just keep following it into no where.  We want to give up and not see where this is going to take us.  Sometimes it is just too hard and the longer it lasts, the more drained we become to continue on.  This…