• Books

    Respect Our Veterans ~ My Opinion

    Less than ten percent of Americans have ever served in a military position. It’s actually around 7.3%. Currently, 0.4% of Americans are actively serving in some capacity. If you have a room of one hundred people, only 4 are serving. Do you think that’s a lot? Compare that to the 34% that go to college. Four percent is nothing! Military personnel are special, heroic, brave, and truly something to be recognized! This small percentage of Americans have agreed to sacrifice their life to protect you and this country. To fight for your rights of freedom. To fight for your right of free speech. To fight for your right to work,…

  • Books

    Politics and Hate – My Opinion

    Politics! Good grief! I am so sick of this. I think many Americans are. The news, the tweets, the memes, and the current election. What gets to me most is how rude, mean, aggressive, hypocritical, and just plain jerky people can be! Why be that way? There are people strongly supporting the president who consider themselves ‘conservatives’ and this president is anything but conservative. And conservatives state they are strong Christians yet they blast and smear those who do not agree with them. THAT is not proper Christian behavior. I’m not saying it is everyone and I try not to group all as one.  I have seen many that have been…

  • Books

    Disobedient Kids – My Opinion

    You laugh when your child screams in the store, not out of embarrassment but because you find it funny. You constantly repeat the name of the child to make them stop but even with you constantly repeating the name the child continues and now we have to listen to you too! Your child takes others toys and you feel they should share and not make your child cry. Your child throws a tantrum and you give in so your child is not hurt or upset. Control your child!  Whether it’s your child, a grandchild, niece, nephew, or what have you. These kids are running a muck and we are so…