• Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday………

    Dear Toni, My relationship recently ended. It was not by my choice. I’m dealing with it and moving on but I was wondering what is the amount of time you should wait to start finding someone new? Sincerely, T Dear T, You know when you are ready. It can be a day or a month but when you feel like you are ready to meet someone else, you will. Don’t let others tell you it’s too soon or you need to get out there. They will try to help you because they care. Your friends may judge you if you jump in too soon. Or they might get upset that…

  • Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday……

    Dear Toni, My friend unfriended me on Facebook because of a debate we had on politics. It’s so stupid that she would unfriend me when I have known her for twelve years. I don’t know what to do. Do I try to talk to her? Do I leave it alone? I know we are suppose to let things go and move on but do I move on without her or try to mend this? Right now she hasn’t said anything else to me. Thank you. Truly, V Dear V~ I have heard of this happening quite a bit. In fact it has happened to me. I am also perplexed that…

  • Books

    Stand for what you believe but know when to sit back………

    We all have our opinions of how we think things should be in life. To living a healthy lifestyle or living it with junk food and the remote. To saying the Pledge of Allegiance in school or taking it away. To saying chicken should be baked instead of fried. Shaken and not stirred. Pretty much everything in life has our own opinions. That is what makes us unique. It is what makes progress in the world. It brings change and hope. It also brings conflict, deceit, and hostility. I think everyone should stand up for what they believe in. I have a few beliefs I project out. My biggest is “keep moving forward.” I honestly think…

  • Books

    It is not rejection ………

    So, you didn’t get the job you wanted or the house you hoped for or the car that was screaming your name.  You were REJECTED!  Or were you?  I don’t think so.  I know it hurts and makes you feel sad but there is a brighter side.  You just don’t see it right now.  That job may have had a very difficult person you would have had to work with and was not in your favor.  The house may have had a neighbor that would have caused you tremendous grief and that would not be to your best interest.  The car, well, you didn’t need the payment even though you…