• Books

    Dear Toni Tuesday……..

      Dear Toni, I have been sick for years with COPD. I know it’s getting worse and the doctors say I have about 3 years at the most to live. I am scared because December showed me how quickly I would go. I am remembering less and less and it scares me to death to not remember my kids, grandkids, true love, high school or my marriages. Doctors say I won’t know a lot soon so I revised my will, updated my life insurance and will live! I know I am not ready to go so God’s Plan will just have to wait! ~J Dear J, I just lost a…

  • Books

    The power to keep going………

    No one said that life was going to be simple and easy, but sometimes it seems like there is no break. Right when one thing ends, something else begins. Sometimes you may get a chance to take a breath but usually you feel like you are just being suffocated. Why won’t things let up? Why do things keep happening to you? It is not just you. It may feel like it is but there are many people who feel the same way. I have my share, too. I keep saying that with all these trials I keep getting, God is just preparing me to be a really good angel with a…

  • Books

    Now Available on Amazon.com!

    My new book “Finding You and Your Direction: 11 ways to find the real you” is now available on Amazon.com in paperback and Kindle. Click here to order your copy! I hope you enjoy the book and the information given. I would appreciate any reviews.  Thank you!!

  • Books

    Keep your faith and let you be the plan for others…..

    My Sunday faith story…….. I was nervous moving away from my family and the state I have always lived in for 46 years. Moving to the other side of the United States. With a man I married two years earlier but never lived with. Knowing God was pushing me this direction I needed to do it. After getting here and the house we were buying fell through and the next one didn’t work out and then the NEXT one didn’t work and then the NEXT!!!?? What on earth? Never had I seen this. All different reasons from taxes to swamp land to another offer being accepted to whatever reason. Just…