• Books

    The Moment – My Opinion

    Every moment counts! Our lives are based on each moment. They all have brought you to where you are now and they will continue to carry you on for the rest of your life. You will have good moments and bad. Appreciate them all.  It’s crazy how one moment of time can completely change your course of life. You can be happy and celebrating a special occasion only to instantly have terrible news arrive that totally changes your life forever with deep pain. Or you can be in a state of despair and feeling there is no end to hardship or grief when suddenly great news has been delivered that…

  • Books

    Positive or push over?

    I speak a lot about boosting others, helping yourself, rising above, and moving forward. I believe it’s important to find the positive in tough situations. I think being a good role in the world is a good thing to work towards. Even if it’s putting a quarter in a charity dish. I think walking away with your head held high is an asset most of us don’t have but should work on. I also believe that there are times when enough is enough. We try so hard to find peace in a chaotic world. We try to keep our mouths shut as not to offend others. We fight to keep…