Put yourself first…………………
Often times we put others before our-self. It is not a bad thing to be there for others, but it is a bad thing if we neglect our-self in the meantime. I am very guilty of neglecting myself to be there for others. I have been this way my entire life. It has taken me a few years to realize that taking care of myself is not a selfish act. I admit that I still have to work on this and make an effort of doing so. Many of us feel guilty for taking “me” time. It is selfish and we should be thinking of others first. I am here…
It is not rejection ………
So, you didn’t get the job you wanted or the house you hoped for or the car that was screaming your name. You were REJECTED! Or were you? I don’t think so. I know it hurts and makes you feel sad but there is a brighter side. You just don’t see it right now. That job may have had a very difficult person you would have had to work with and was not in your favor. The house may have had a neighbor that would have caused you tremendous grief and that would not be to your best interest. The car, well, you didn’t need the payment even though you…
Don’t let toxic people bring you down……….
Keep good company! It is ok to be a friend and help those in need and lend a shoulder to cry on. It is not ok to be taken advantage of, whined to continually or get negative feed daily. Don’t let toxic people be your company. Let positive people feed you good energy and light!
Being happy is not a feeling, it is a way of life!
You don’t just feel happy, you live it! Choose to be happy everyday. It gets easier as days go by.